Lloyd's Landscapes Inc.
"The Landscape Specialists"
PA002715                                          2999 State Route 890 Sunbury, PA 17801                             Call us: 570-286-4377
Nursery Hours:

April - June​
Mon-Tues: 8am-10am (material pick up)
Wed-Fri: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 8am-4pm

July - October​
Mon-Tues: 8am-10am (material pick up)
Wed-Fri: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am - 1pm

November - March​​​​
Please call for an appointment 570-286-4377

Lloyd's Landscapes Planting and Watering Guides
Proper installation and follow up care are required to ensure that your new plants will continue to grow and thrive after they leave the nursery. The following are a few tips we thought might be helpful to you. Click on the pictures for the planting guide.

Shrubs and trees should have the hole dug twice the width of the root ball.  However, do not dig the hole too deep.
When digging the hole for your new plant we suggest you set aside the best soil for refilling the hole.Soil amendments should be mixed thoroughly with the soil that has been set aside before refilling the planting hole.
Adding soil amendments such as peat moss, manure, compost, or other materials high in humus helps to loosen the soil.
Take the plant out of the container.
After taking the plant out of the container loosen the roots before placing the plant in the hole so they can begin to grow and spread out. Most plants grown in containers, the roots will start to grow in a circular pattern around the pot making it necessary to loosen the roots by cutting.
At least four cuts should be made.  Starting at the bottom, make lengthwise cuts up the sides of the root ball. When you are finished, the bottom half of the root ball should be separated into four sections that are still attached to the upper portion of the root ball.
Place the plant in the hole. However, make sure the hole is not too deep. The top of the root ball should only be as deep as it was when in the container. Do not cover it with soil. If planted too deep, the roots can "suffocate", causing the plant to die.
Back fill around the hole about halfway. Press down on the soil around the root ball as the hole is being filled to make sure there are no air pockets around the roots while keeping the plant straight.
After filling the hole halfway, a soil amendment such as gel may be used to retain moisture in the soil.
Gel should be hydrated before using so you can see how much you are adding to the soil.
Finish filling the hole with soil.
When you have finished filling the hole it should look slightly concave, it should not slope away from the plant like a volcano.
With any leftover soil make a ring around the plant to form a bowl shape that will help to collect water and direct it to the roots of the plant.
After you have finished planting we suggest using a 3-inch layer of mulch over the soil to help block out weeds and hold in moisture.  When mulching around trees, keep the mulch about 2 inches away from the trunk.
And done! It's time to enjoy your plant!
In order for your plants to stay healthy we suggest watering each plant according to the following schedule:
-Every other day for the first two weeks.
-Every 3 days during the 3rd and 4th weeks. 
-After the first month, the plants should be watered once a week until it gets cold enough to freeze the soil, usually around the end of November or the first week of December. However, you can stop watering perennials for the year after they have died back following a heavy frost.

Resume watering the next summer when it becomes hot and dry, watering each plant as needed. Watch for signs of wilting or stress and give the plant a deep watering to ensure the root ball is wet, then check it the next day to see if it has recovered. If it still looks wilted, you will need to water it again and continue to water each day until it recovers.

It is critical to maintain an ample water supply to your new plants for the first full year after they are planted. We recommend that if you are planning on being away for any length of time that you arrange for this watering schedule to be continued in your absence.

The best times to water are in the morning or in the evening when temperatures are cooler. The water coming from the hose should be running slow enough to soak in and not just run off. Placing the hose at the stem of the plant will allow more water to soak into the original root ball. It is important that the root ball is thoroughly saturated and not just the surface of the soil. You can check to see if the soil is wet enough by pushing your finger into the soil beside the root ball. If only the surface of the soil is wet, you will need to water longer to get the entire root ball wet. 

Remember that it is always better to water every few days, making sure the soil is wet at least to the bottom of the soil ball, than it is to water on a daily basis, getting only the top inch or so of soil moist.

Anytime the weather becomes very hot or if we have no rain for at least a week, go back to watering more often and give each plant more water than usual. Under these stressful conditions, plants lose more water than normal through their leaves and if there is not enough water in the soil to replace it, they will begin to wilt. If you see signs of wilting or stress, immediately give the plant a deep watering to ensure the root ball is wet. Check it the next day to see if it has recovered. If it still looks wilted, check to see if the soil is still too dry. If it is, you will need to water it again and continue this process until it recovers.

If any problems should develop, Lloyd's Landscapes should be contacted at once. Together, we can help you enjoy your new planting.

Watering Instructions for Newly Installed Plants